Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Virtue signalling

People’s Vote Celebrities Burnish Their Woke Credentials By Giving False Hope To Remainers

As celebrities and failed politicians gathered for another central London protest against Brexit, their unchanging tactics make clear that this is more about burnishing their reputations as right-on culture warriors than sincerely trying to persuade the British people to change course John Harris has long been about the only writer …

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No, Jesus Would Not Demand Open Borders

Those who make a Christian case for open borders and uncontrolled mass immigration do not apply the same altruism they demand of society to their own personal lives, and neither would tearing down national borders improve the common good. Those who use their faith (or even more cynically, the faith …

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Betrayal of Britain Chapter 4- Britain lost in the world

Twelve thousand merchant seamen gave their lives in the Great War, or so said the memorial that the author stumbled upon walking back to the hotel in London one warm November night. As a self-proclaimed obsessive on most-things-historical and with a particular reverence for World War One, to still encounter a chilling …

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The Virtue-Signalling Left Find Their Ideal Spokesman: A Five Year Old Girl This five-year-old girl actually makes a better case for Corbynism than many writers at the Guardian, Left Foot Forward or LabourList. Someone give her a weekly column and a podcast! A few years ago, US comedian Bill Maher brought to our attention a 14-year-old wannabe conservative talk radio host …

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Weekly Terror Attacks Are Europe’s New Normal – For This, You Can Blame Angela Merkel And The Virtue Signallers

Terror is the new normal, and Europe’s progressive virtue-signallers must shoulder their share of the blame Douglas Murray has no time for a craven German government which prioritised the burnishing of its humanitarian credentials over the safety of its own citizens: The Thursday before last it was Nice.  But already …

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The Remain Campaign’s Last Stand

The Remain campaign is so used to loudly claiming the moral high ground and dismissing Brexiteers as backward, nasty reactionaries that even their “positive” closing message is unintentionally insulting toward half the country Well, that calmer, politer politics didn’t last very long, did it? On the first day of real campaigning …

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Praising The EU And Supporting Remain Has Become A Virtue Signalling Sport

Don’t take the bait. Don’t take the bait. Don’t take the — ah, screw it The Huffington Post serves up the worst thing you will read all day (h/t Pete North) in terms of EU referendum commentary – this sneering, virtue signalling attempt at mockery of Brexiteers by author and …

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A United Kingdom constrained only by itself

Why do people choose to support leaving the EU? Why are others keen to remain? It might be that over the years we’ve all been weighing up the pros and cons. But I suspect this isn’t how most people reason. Rather someone who already supports remaining in the EU looks …

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