Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: US Current Affairs

Pride Before The Fall: What Woke Capitalism Tells Us About Power In Modern Society

A tale of two product launches, set against the most fawningly corporate Pride Month in American history Imagine that you are Jerry Falwell, Jr. or some other notable socially conservative reactionary type, and you see the above image in which the makers of Oreo cookies announce that they are celebrating …

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Christianity And Open Borders, Cont.

Here we go again Rod Dreher has an angry, searching piece in response to the news that the Catholic Bishop of El Paso, Mark Seitz, has apparently been joyfully intimidating American Customs & Border Protection Agency guards into allowing already-rejected or returned migrants from Central America back from Mexico into the United …

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Trump the usurper

American politics was supposed to continue to be a dynastic struggle between the Clintons and the Bushes. It was supposed to be this way as that would mean nothing would change. Trump is a usurper. It is for this reason above all that he is so hated by the liberal …

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Who Is Truly Marginalised? – Part 2

Champions of intersectional identity politics in academia, culture and government have accrued near-hegemonic societal power for themselves by exploiting both the real and imagined oppression of certain groups on whose behalf they boldly presume to speak Last month, I wrote a short reflection on who is and is not effectively marginalized …

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Review: The People vs Democracy

“The People vs Democracy” goes further than many other books which claim to “explain” Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, showing that it takes both sides – outraged establishment centrists as well as populist insurgents – to successfully undermine liberal democracy. Political renewal depends on the former group finally …

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No, Jesus Would Not Demand Open Borders

Those who make a Christian case for open borders and uncontrolled mass immigration do not apply the same altruism they demand of society to their own personal lives, and neither would tearing down national borders improve the common good. Those who use their faith (or even more cynically, the faith …

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Three Little SJWs From School

I must admit that I have been waiting for this one. I knew that it was only a matter of time before the social justice censors came for The Mikado, that beloved Gilbert & Sullivan operetta set in a highly fictionalized version of Japan, and here we are. (My other long-standing …

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Political Tribalism And #Brexit

Political tribalism is usually discussed as a pathology afflicting low-information voters and preying upon the working class, but since the EU referendum we have seen many leading pro-EU figures from the political, journalistic and academic elites – people who often make a great show of their education and superior capacity …

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Are Technocrats To Blame For The Rise Of The Know-Nothing Celebrity Politician?

When unelected technocrats increasingly set policy and carry out the day-to-day business of governance we should not be surprised that electoral politics, castrated and less consequential than ever before, is becoming a circus freak show Michael Brendan Dougherty has a new piece in the National Review which so succinctly captures the state …

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The Age Of Perpetual Crisis

When every single issue is falsely portrayed as a burning crisis, none of our national challenges will receive the considered attention they deserve “We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die.”  ― …

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Centrism Is The New Extremism

For many years, the most angry and bitter invective in our political discourse hailed from the far Left and Right. But now it is the supposedly rational and pragmatic centrists who are becoming unhinged and increasingly uncivilised. Like the stopped clock which still tells the correct time twice a day, …

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Quote For The Day

From Conor Friedersdorf’s excellent interview of writer and professor David Hillel Gelernter: Everyone knows that we live in politically superheated times; partisanship feels more bitter and more personal than it ever has in my lifetime. There are many reasons, but here is one: we all know that faith in the Judeo-Christian …

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Defenders Of The Nation State Are Not The Authoritarians Here – That Would Be The Unrepentant Globalists

One does not need to be a snarling authoritarian to reject the anti nation state, globalist worldview – and if being wary about the survival of our rights and liberties in a post-patriotic world makes one a populist then so be it During his recent Intelligence Squared debate/discussion with Nick …

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Facebook And The Fake News Monster

The mainstream media looks to Facebook and technology to solve the problem of “fake news”, while utterly ignoring their own starring role in driving readers into the arms of more disreputable news outlets Jeff Chiu has an interesting rumination in Newsweek on the way that Facebook tacitly encouraged the monster of …

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Oh, So Now You’re A Liberal?

The vote for Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidential election victory seems to have wrongly convinced an entire army of snarling, leftist authoritarians that they are actually the virtuous defenders of liberalism Is anybody else getting mighty sick of the constant parade of left-wing, Big Government-supporting authoritarians suddenly rushing to cloak …

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Inclusive Language Week – This Is How Western Civilisation Commits Suicide Ball pits, puppy dog videos and safe spaces – the seeds of Western civilisational decline are being sown on the university campus Heat Street reports on the slow-motion suicide of Western civilisation: During its “inclusive language” campaign, California State University-Northridge students lounged in a bouncy-ball pit and held forth …

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