Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Treasury

IMF and Treasury Predicted WTO Brexit will be Fine!

The IMF and Treasury produced reports in 2016 that closely analysed the UK and international economy.  The results of these reports should be read by everyone who is opposed to a No Deal Brexit. The IMF Country Report 16 on the United Kindom has this graph on p31 showing the process of …

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The Treasury Reports – Is the Treasury really lying?

Is the Treasury producing reports for political motives?  The Treasury report before the Referendum, called HM Treasury analysis: the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU was so extreme that everyone called it “Project Fear”.  The punch line of the report was “..a vote to leave would represent an immediate and profound …

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George Osborne’s leaky defence and own goals

The Treasury Select Committee (TSC) met on the afternoon of 11th May to question George Osborne and Treasury official, Mark Bowman over the EU Referendum campaign. The session can be seen here. For those who are unaware, select committees are broadly organised to reflect government departments. Naturally, the TSC reflects …

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