Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: Regions

Energy Security after #Brexit

The House of Lords has just published its inquiry into energy security after Brexit – see Brexit: Energy Security. This publication is fairly complete in its coverage of the changes that will be needed in the coming year.  The government will have had almost 3 years to plan for Brexit by …

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What would happen if #Brexit was abandoned

Many of those who voted Remain in the EU Referendum are campaigning to overturn Brexit.   Suppose the UK abandoned Brexit, what would happen then? Read on to discover how strong the UK would become within the EU and what would happen over the decade or two after abandoning Brexit. Click …

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Carnage in Manchester, it must be our last

1977, aged 7, I experienced my first ‘bomb’ in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Us kids had our hospital beds wheeled into the corridor as our room windows came through, from a car-bomb in the carpark. It became almost a weekly thing for a while (I was there for a …

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JUNIOR DOCTORS: Ben Gummer echoes Jeremy Hunt’s BMA allegations & confirms upcoming strike now solely about PAY

Ben Gummer MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, stood in for Jeremy Hunt in the UK House of Commons yesterday to answer an ‘urgent question’ from Heidi Alexander MP (Labour), regarding junior doctors’ contract negotiations. Jeremy Hunt had appeared on The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, blaming the BMA …

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