Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Norway option

Conservative MPs should vote for the Brady amendment…to run down the clock.

There are reports that Conservative ERG MPs are considering not voting Sir Graham Brady’s amendment being tabled tonight. Sir Brady’s amendment calls for the Northern Ireland backstop to be replaced with alternative arrangements to avoid a hard border, while stating support for the Withdrawal Agreement “subject to this change to deal …

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In response to the common misconceptions of the EEA option

The EEA option a.k.a The “Norway option” involves joining the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and trading with the EU via the European Economic Area (EEA) as a means of achieving an economically secure, de-risked Brexit. It greatly simplifies our time limited negotiations, protects our economy, answers the Northern Irish and Gibraltar …

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The Daily Globe #Brexit Manifesto

Winning the referendum was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’ve been fighting for Brexit for a long time and winning was one the grandest of satisfactions. I see fantastic opportunities for the post-Brexit United Kingdom. However, before those Brexit opportunities are realised we need to address the …

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Worried Remainers Are Now Desperately Attacking The Norway Option For A Reason

By openly slandering the EFTA/EEA “Norway Option” for achieving Brexit in the event of a Leave vote, the Remain campaign and their allies in the media show that they are terrified of this sensible approach The Guardian is, of course, desperate for Britain to remain in the European Union. The vast …

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Brexit is the key; Norway is the doorway

As the referendum debate heats up there are a thousand reasons and more being discussed regarding why we should leave the EU; but there is very little discussion amongst the general public as to how we leave the EU. Europhiles have been hugely successful in conflating EU membership with Single …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 2: EFTA/EEA

This is Part II in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here II – EFTA+UK A relationship with the EU based on membership of EFTA and the EEA is referred to as the “Norway Option” because it forms the foundation of Norway’s European policy. …

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