Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: International relations

Globe at the Weekend #Podcast: Introducing the CANZUK podcast

The Globe at the Weekend podcast returns! Today starts our CANZUK podcast featuring host and CRCC founder Isaac Anderson and panelists Brent Cameron, author of the Case for Commonwealth David Parker,  entrepreneur and political campaigner who helped get elected Erin O’Toole, as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and …

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The Fall of Empires

Empires rise because a group of people becomes more prosperous than their neighbours.  This enhanced prosperity is usually the result of the superior management of the economy, society and resources.  Relative prosperity gives the group the ability to project power. As can be seen from the graph below, we are …

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EU law is bunk

The interaction of sovereign nation states has always been a matter of power and self-interest. Britain lost sight of this during the Tony Blair years and tried to implement a so called “Ethical Foreign Policy”, which led to us performing some of the most unethical acts in our history, such …

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Its (Not) All About The Money: 2020 – UK & Commonwealth Vision Introduction

The Brexit debate has been monopolised by the focus on how the future EU-UK relationship will function, or not function, as the case may be. Despite the mass use of time and effort, not much has been fleshed out. As such, as we approach Brexit Day, we must examine the …

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Trinidad and Tobago’s Opposition recognizes Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela

Trinidad and Tobago is a member of the Commonwealth and is mere miles away from Venezuela. They have been greatly impacted by refugees and their Government has recognized the Maduro regime. The author is the International Affairs Officer of the United National Congress (Opposition party /former Government) of Trinidad and Tobago. …

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Time to Choose

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. In 2009, I had the opportunity to have a long and private conversation. My family was on vacation and our excursion took us in proximity to someone …

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A moment of decision

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. It is approaching the end of 2018, and the end of our comfortable complacency. Here, in Canada, we are entering a period of great uncertainty as our …

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Trump the usurper

American politics was supposed to continue to be a dynastic struggle between the Clintons and the Bushes. It was supposed to be this way as that would mean nothing would change. Trump is a usurper. It is for this reason above all that he is so hated by the liberal …

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Better to be a dragon than a bear: the Chinese Russian relationship.

Part 1 Russia famously was described by Winston Churchill as “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”. What is less frequently noted is that Churchill went on to solve his riddle. The key to understanding Russian actions was to look at Russian national interest. But is this not …

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