Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Healthcare

Why I will be taking the Covid vaccine

About a year ago I was planning a long-haul trip. I looked the country up on the website to see what diseases were present there and which vaccinations were recommended. I booked an appointment at Boots and went to get the injections. I didn’t look up any of the …

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The Perfect Storm: When Continuity Remainers Meet NHS Worshippers

When all else fails, Continuity Remainers invoke the NHS in their last-gasp attempt to win support for their “People’s Vote” The past few years have seen an inexplicable surge in the release of implausible, cheaply-produced disaster movies, aided by the falling costs of CGI, with plots based on supersized or …

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The Government’s Organ Conscription plan

Before I begin to discuss this topic I would like to emphasise that I am NOT against organ donation in ANY form, as a matter of fact I encourage it greatly. But let me explain why I will be opting out of this new Government scheme the first chance I …

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Why I’m Voting Conservative

As a young person whose political allegiances lie with the Conservatives I have received a lot of abuse. The most common accusations and comments I’ve received are usually along the lines of calling me rich and selfish. Personal insults have also been thrown, however, in my eyes these do not …

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NHS Heresy, Part 4 – Junior Doctors Would Sell Out The NHS In A Heartbeat, If The Price Was Right

Brave and principled defenders of Our NHS? The junior doctors would knife Aneurin Bevan’s vision in the back and happily serve an Evil Tory privatised healthcare system (how awful) if the price was right Few people have been pronounced more saintly in 2016 than the holy NHS Junior Doctors, whose brave, principled …

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NHS Heresy, Part 3

The latest depressing news about Britain’s slide down the healthcare outcome rankings will only lead to more uncritical NHS-worship instead of the frank, rational and dispassionate conversation we need to have about end-of-life care for the ageing, failing National Health Service The Times’ Tim Shipman reports some awkward facts in the …

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NHS Heresy, Part 2

It takes real courage to speak out against the Cult of the NHS, particularly for people on the political left who are expected to be the biggest cheerleaders of all From a brave commenter at Left Foot Forward, reacting to the same piece of sentimentalist NHS idolatry which prompted my …

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NHS Heresy, Part 1

Our Blessed NHS (genuflect) is no longer a sustainable model for delivering top quality healthcare to the British people The Telegraph’s Jeremy Warner says the unsayable: In a tax-funded health care system, the normal, self-limiting rules of supply and demand don’t apply. Where the service is perceived to be essentially “free”, …

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