Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: family

Politics is about Home

Most people love their home.  For most people their home is the object of their love. Homes are built by loyalty, tenacity and love.  The adults must struggle in the world beyond the home to bring back enough money to pay for the family.  This is, and has been, the …

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Why The Government Is Wrong To Have Blocked The Lexden Bill To Put Right An Injustice That Discriminates Against Siblings Caring For One Another.

My Lords, it is a great pleasure to support the noble Lord, Lord Lexden, and his Bill to amend the Civil Partnership Act 2004 as it relates to sibling couples. Along with other Members of your Lordships’ House, the noble Lord has vigorously pursued this issue and I hope that …

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The 2016 EU Referendum: The Campaigns and The Aftermath

On June 23rd 2016 one of the most important political events, certainly in recent British political history, occurred when the best part of 34 million British citizens went to the polls to vote in a referendum. This was no ordinary referendum. It had been promised to the people of Great …

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Make room for family fitness

Creating a family fitness room makes it easier than ever to stick to your workout -and it’s a great place for the kids to chill out, too. Obviously choose the biggest space you can for the fitness area, but don’t forget to create an atmosphere of warmth. That way it …

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What makes the perfect family garden?

When considering the perfect garden most of us want perfect manicured lawns, pretty, neat flower beds and perhaps a charming water feature.  But how useable is a garden where everything has its place?  And how much can kids enjoy it? The typical British garden is all about a nice patch …

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