Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: European

Cameron’s EU deal is a total fraud

The European Council Conclusions  are the sum total of years of promises from the prime minister. We were promised treaty change and we were promised a reformed EU instead we have neither and we are being taken for fools. The final agreement between the EU and the UK is being purposely …

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Cameron leaves Brussels ’empty-handed’

David Cameron has left the Brussels EU summit, empty-handed.  His attempts to reach agreement, with other EU leaders, on what many have described as a seriously weak deal, have failed. The  main stumbling blocks were the attempt to limit benefits for migrants and the British exclusion from so called ever …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 2: EFTA/EEA

This is Part II in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here II – EFTA+UK A relationship with the EU based on membership of EFTA and the EEA is referred to as the “Norway Option” because it forms the foundation of Norway’s European policy. …

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The supranational root of the EU problem

There will come a time when we perceive Britain – with its traditional global outlook, it’s long history as a merchant and maritime power, with its trade links and special relationships all over the world – becoming part of the European Union as a folly, an historical error. While post-war …

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