Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: EU renegotiation

The Vice-President of the European Parliament says Cameron’s deal is not binding

‘Who counts as the “the European Union” here? Member state leaders have met within the framework of the European Council, but their agreement is in no way a document of the European Union, but a text of hybrid character, which is unspecified and not legally binding.’ Alexander Graf Lambsdorff is …

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#Davesdodgydeal – The “re-negotiation” failed. The deal is a lie. It’s essential we keep exposing it.

The last time Britain had a referendum on our membership of the EU, or the EEC as it was then, Edward Heath and his Government based their own “Remain” campaign on deception and fear mongering.   The campaign was underpinned by a phantom renegotiation and the pretence that our membership was …

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#Davesdodgydeal – Cameron is selling a lie and getting away with it

“This spectacle has surely been the perfect realisation of his prognosis for postmodern society: the point at which politics is completely supplanted by political communication.” David Cameron promised to reform the EU, he failed miserably. He promised to fundamentally change the UK’s relationship with the EU, repatriating powers and achieving …

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Cameron’s EU deal is a total fraud

The European Council Conclusions  are the sum total of years of promises from the prime minister. We were promised treaty change and we were promised a reformed EU instead we have neither and we are being taken for fools. The final agreement between the EU and the UK is being purposely …

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Dismantling the EU-UK sham settlement

I still feel unsettled by the current situation regarding our “re-negotiation” with the EU. I feel as if there is something more to it, that a game is being played, and there is yet to be another twist to come designed to allow the PM to play the British bulldog. …

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Europhile Myths Debunked

There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …

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