Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Economic Policy

Post COVID, post Brexit reconstruction

The UK is facing an exciting future as a result of Brexit.  We have a golden opportunity to configure the UK as a business entity that benefits its workers and hence the population of Britain. Now that we are freed from many rules about government intervention and “level playing fields” …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 4

Host Isaac Anderson speaks with Emilie Dye, Policy Director of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance and Executive Director of the HR Nicholls Society, in a free ranging interview about immigration, the not-so-dismal science of economics, and the Australian perspective on CANZUK. Also, Daily Globe UK publisher Ted Yarbrough, and author and …

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Mark Carney’s first Reith Lecture

This morning I sat cuddled up with my dog to listen to the first Reith Lecture, given by Dr Mark Carney, the ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Governor of the Bank of England.  It is one of the benefits of the current lockdown that we can sit in peace and broaden our minds. There …

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Thatcherism – the only way forward

Margaret Thatcher once said that “there can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.” She was right. For far too long before Margaret Thatcher took office there was very little economic liberty in the United Kingdom. We had relied on the same school of Keynesian Economic thought for much …

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Global Collapse? How likely?

There is currently some talk of global economic collapse being imminent. (See for instance Complex Systems Collide, Markets Crash).   The basic thesis is that interactions between the world and the economy can cause the economy to switch into a different mode of operating. Things are looking bad at the moment. The …

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State capitalism vs socialism vs communism

On an online exchange, a lefty illustrated the distinctions between those three concepts as such:State capitalism – private ownership with significant govt intervention.Socialism – democratic ownership of production.Communism – stateless, moneyless, classless society. Boiling it down to fundamentals, here are the distinctions according to their definitions:State capitalism – state? yes; private ownership? yesSocialism – state? …

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Celebrating Britain’s Jobs Boom

Statistics can often come across as dull, but when it comes to discussing the British job market in recent years, it is unavoidable not to use them. 3.8 million jobs created since 2010. Unemployment fallen from 8% to 4% (lowest since 1975). A record 32.5 million people in work. 750,000 …

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Heathrow Airport Expansion And Decision Paralysis, A Symbol Of British Political Failure

Government indecision and cowardice over the expansion of Heathrow Airport is just one tangible, high profile manifestation of the British political disease There is no better analogy for the broken, dysfunctional nature of British politics and strategic government planning than the ongoing saga over whether and how to expand London’s …

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Cut taxes and increase capital investment to boost growth!

Cut corporate tax to 12.5% Slash income tax to 15% and 28% Fully transferable personal allowance £250bn investment over 10 years on infrastructure  Bank of England should adopt NGDP targeting The economy is in pretty good shape, ever since coming into office in 2010 the Tories have increased employment to …

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Labour’s Cynical, Disingenuous National Debt Hysteria

Pot, meet kettle You’ve probably already seen them countless times over the course of this general election campaign – the smug, sanctimonious internet memes bandied about by Labour supporters and other left-wing activists excoriating the Conservatives for having presided over a massive increase in the national debt since taking office in …

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In Furious Denial Over The Failure Of Leftist Economic Policy, Owen Jones Misrepresents Conservatism

Owen Jones continues to use his Guardian column to peddle lies and misrepresentations about conservative economic policy, in a Herculean effort to save British leftists from having to come to terms with their failed economic policy dogma. In praise of John McDonnell’s unabashedly left-wing conference speech, Jones whines: It was a …

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