Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: corporatism

Politics is about Home

Most people love their home.  For most people their home is the object of their love. Homes are built by loyalty, tenacity and love.  The adults must struggle in the world beyond the home to bring back enough money to pay for the family.  This is, and has been, the …

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China: Are we too late to react?

My joy at opening this week’s AAAS magazine “Science” was slightly blunted by the four pages of Chinese Government advertising that were followed by a long editorial article on how the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) should be given NIH funds.  The article did not mention that due to the …

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Nick Clegg, Theresa Hunt and Tobias Ellwood

The Brexit News for 24th June. Nick Clegg has hit the headlines as Facebook’s £1m a year, £7m package Vice President of Global Affairs.  His most important statement is that the Russians and Cambridge Analytica did not use Facebook to influence the EU Referendum in 2016.   We already knew this but perhaps …

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Why don’t the English want to be in the EU?

Without the Scots and Northern Irish the vote for Independence in the EU Referendum would have been overwhelming: If there were to be a Second Referendum on EU Membership, so breaking the “once in a generation” rule on referendums, the Scottish and Northern Irish should be given Independence Referendums first …

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Global Economy on the Rocks?

This article was written 30th April 2019, let it not be said that no-one could have foreseen the coming difficulties. The most worrying indicator is global trade volume: This has had the expected effect on global industrial production: Notice that the downturn is affecting all economic regions this time around.  …

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Scruton and the new Corporate Extremism

The debate about the views of Sir Roger Scruton has been framed in terms of “Left” versus “Right”.  Stand a little way back from the immediate debate and it is obvious that something else is going on.  What is happening is yet another media frenzy which has as its objective …

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Why Identity Politics?

Any observer of Western politics will have noticed the rise and rise of Identity Politics.  Why is this happening? It was once tacitly assumed that the participants in political debate had good intentions even if you thought they had the wrong ideas.  Identity Politics abandons the assumption that opponents have …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part II

It was my original plan to publish a three-part series of essays on corporatism. Unfortunately illness set back that plan initially, and so I was planning to make two parts. That plan is coming to fruition in some ways, but even this is going to be a little different to …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part I

Corporatism is a word with many meanings, and no one seems to know what precisely any of them are. Corporatism is a diverse set of theories, but it should be thought of in purely economic terms. When we think of ‘corporatism’ today, I am sure that most people would think …

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