Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: Common Agricultural Policy

Welsh Lamb Propaganda

There has been a great deal about the “terrible” effects of Brexit on the Welsh lamb industry. What is the truth? Only about 30-40% of Welsh sheep meat is exported: The Welsh sheep industry was worth c.£278m to the Welsh economy in 2018. Only about £70m of meat of all types is …

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The reasons for my opposition to the EU

My opposition to the EU is essentially down to the fact that it works badly. Everything that the UK government does not do well at, the EU does even worse. Let me list some prominent examples… Single currency (Eurozone):Normally, an ailing economy’s currency depreciates, which encourages inward investment and domestic …

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Restoring Independent policies: Agriculture

Read The Market Solution pamphlet in full The food and farming sector is important to the UK economy, with the whole food chain contributing £85 billion per year to the economy and 3.5 million jobs. In policy terms, it is dominated by the EU and its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), …

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