In what seems like Groundhog day, we have had more rude attacks on the UK from its supposed “friends”in the EU. First, Donald Tusk said that Brexiteers belong in hell, in which Guy Verhofstadt chimed in with further insults. They were then followed by Jean-Claude Juncker sharing the contents of a …
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The treatment of Northern Ireland in the context of the negotiations between the EU and the UK has shown the inconsistency of the EU’s position with regard to nationalism. The EU rightly condemned Crimea’s secession from Ukraine and reunification with Russia. This was not so much because the referendum that …
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I spent my childhood watching reports from Northern Ireland about bombings, punishment beating and prisoners on hunger strike. Most nights the BBC news would have something about some latest horror. The people living in Northern Ireland suffered more than anyone else. It didn’t matter who you were. There was the …
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