The Armed Forces and Royal Navies of the CANZUK nations share a common heritage, sharing similar flags, ranks and anthems of the old British Commonwealth and Empire. The years ahead may prove to be a defining moment in the CANZUK cause. In the 19th year of the 21st century, we …
Read More »North Korea, all the explanations
North Korea (PRNK) is a Communist country, which means that it is really a feudal monarchy, with the Kim family having absolute power, living in incredible luxury. Through three generations they have blackmailed the West into giving them vast amounts of stuff; money, food and nuclear technology (two 1000-MWe light-water …
Read More »Orang-utan adventure
If you’re an avid nature lover and a travel enthusiast then why not combine your passions for the trip of a lifetime? If exploring the depths of Borneo’s rainforest while enjoying the spectacular wildlife on offer sounds like your idea of the perfect holiday then a trip to Southeast Asia …
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