Saturday , July 27 2024

Jane Walshman

Feng-shui your home

Feng Shui is an ancient practice which has been used by the Chinese for centuries to create a harmonious environment and living space. This is achieved by enabling positive energy (or chi) to flow freely around the home. According to the ancient art, when there is clutter, dirt and negativity, …

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Housework, retro style

As we struggle through the kind of recession not seen since the 1930s there’s no better time to look back to the cleaning techniques of our grandmothers.  Frugal and often eco-friendly, cleaning the old-fashioned way can save you pounds every month.  So drop those antiseptic wipes and overpriced toilet cleaners …

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Do you have nightmare neighbours?

You move away from your parents house, or out of shared accommodation at university or with colleagues to your dream home – it might be a small flat in the city, it might be a seven-bedroom mansion in the country, you may be alone or moving in with a partner …

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Must have items for outdoor living

When the sun breaks through and we get told that we’re about to experience a heatwave (for a couple of days at least) the whole world descends on the local DIY centre to grab all the outdoor ephemera to make it possible to live comfortably in the garden for the …

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How to dress your windows

Curtains do more than just keep the light out.  They maintain privacy, divide a room and provide a punch of colour and personality.  Yet many people ignore window dressings when they redecorate, sticking to plain, ill fitting or just plain ugly curtains or blinds.  Follow these tips to get the …

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