Saturday , July 27 2024

George Morrall

George is a 22 year old Yorkshireman with a passion for history, politics and obscure facts. He is in his 4th year studying British Politics and Legislative Studies at the University of Hull and blogs at A Conservative Party members since 2013, he is involved in his local association and has worked in Parliament.

The Conservatives Record On Jobs And Employment.

Since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 we have seen a jobs miracle that has given economic security to hundreds of thousands of people. Under this Conservative government we have seen… The Highest employment rate ever and lowest unemployment rate in 40 years. 3,011,000 more people in work. Unemployment reduce …

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1967: The Conservative Record

It’s too often ignored just how big a part some Conservatives played in the fight to decriminalise homosexual acts in 1967. We have let section 28 overshadow the work of good men and women and the 50th Anniversary of the 67 Act is as good a time as any to …

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Austerity is not to blame for terrorism

Blaming recent attacks on austerity isn’t just pure politicking it’s total and utter rubbish. There is absolutely no evidence what so ever that austerity or front line policing cuts have in any way contributed to either attack. The anti terror budget has not just been protected but increased, there is …

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Gibraltar: Earth, Air, Water and Spanish Fire

Many will have become aware of renewed Spanish aggression towards the people of Gibraltar over the past few years due to news coverage of raising tensions between the British and Spanish governments. In an interview with journalists, Spanish Foreign Minister José García-Margallo declared that previous ministries had been “soft” on …

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